McDonald Tank provides filament wound, fiber-reinforced (FRP) tanks in vertical, cone bottom, and horizontal single wall and double wall tank configurations. Let our tank experts assist you with designing the right tank for your needs. From choosing the right resin and accessories to packing and shipping, we will provide invaluable consultation to ensure your project is successful. We’ve worked together with hundreds of engineers, plant managers, architects, and contractors to get the job done right.
Corrosion Resistant
FRP is corrosion resistant making it ideal for chemicals, water, wastewater, fertilizer, oil and gas, and more. Paired with the right liner, FRP is safe for even the most corrosive of substances.
Light Weight
Generally speaking, FRP weighs about 75% less than steel. Installation costs are reduced since heavy-lifting equipment is not needed. We can also provide the delivery and installation.
Because FRP tanks are strong as steel, have less maintenance costs, and last 20-30 years, the result for you is they are an economical investment over the lifespan of the product.
Fiberglass can be molded into any design and are easily customizable. With up to 60k gallons, large capacity tanks can be factory-built which has many advantages over field-erected tanks.
- Stock Tanks (Open/Closed/Dome Top)
- Chemical Tanks
- Septic Tanks
- Livestock Watering Tanks
- Gun Barrel Tanks
- Horizontal Vessels